Listing Information

Currently Hiring

No, not at this time. Please check back next season!

Number of Workers Sought


Type of Farm

Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats), Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard, Other

Type of Farm (Other)

Fresh market produce along with oilseed products.

Marketing Strategy

Community Supported Agriculture, Farmers' Market, Wholesale



Pay Rate

starting at $10 per hour, possibly higher depending on experience

What are the dates of your position?

April 1 to October 30; starting at 2 days per week, possibly 3 days per week during peak harvest in mid to late July

Are you open to shorter periods of employment or do you prefer that workers stay the full season?

Shorter periods of employment possible, Prefer full season

Explain the room and board arrangements or describe options in your area

Room and board is not offered as part of the compensation package.

Please share three things you think people should know about living with you.

Not applicable.

Describe yourself, your family, background, farming experience, philosophy, goals and interests

Hilltop Haven is a small produce and berry farm. We have a couple acres of fresh market produce and berries under cultivation along with a high tunnel, and small greenhouse (for plant starts). We market our produce through a booth at the Clark Fork River Farmers Market along with Western Montana Growers Cooperative CSA (and some wholesale). Hilltop Haven farm is co-owner of an oilseed processing operation as well; in cooperation with other members of the Greenwalt family. At the Clark Fork River Farmers Market we sell camelina oil, camelina seed, and various value-added products with camelina oil. We have two young children who love 'helping' out on the farm.

Describe the physical setting of your farm and the nature of the community in which you live

We live a few miles north of the Missoula airport in the Butler Creek drainage. Our property is in close proximity to the forest fringe (1 mile from the Forest Service gate). The immediate area is fairly remote but within a short distance of downtown Missoula (15 minutes).

Describe your farm operation

We currently have nearly an acre established in saskatoon berries, along with a high tunnel that mostly has strawberries (june bearing) in it right now, and a few other outdoor plots with various fruits and vegetables. We follow organic production practices on our farm and are applying for organic certification. We rely on direct sales, and the Western Montana Growers Cooperative (mainly CSA program) for marketing.

Describe the work to be performed by applicant

Work would involve one day per week (Saturday) running our market booth at the Clark Fork River Farmers Market. In addition, one or two other days per week would be in the field performing various chores (planting, weeding, harvesting, packaging, etc.). Depending on timing it may involve working independently. This is a second income source for us, so we are generally working on the farm in the early morning and evenings.

What do you expect of a worker?

Work days and hours are somewhat flexible except for Saturdays (at market). Total hours would vary from 16 to 24 hours throughout a typical week, depending on season. The work is very diverse and would involve everything from talking with / educating customers at the market (direct sales) to heavy physical labor (e.g. preparing beds for planting) and other farm work (weeding, picking berries, sorting / packing, assisting with construction of a barn) as necessary.

Describe the learning and educational opportunities available to a worker

Education on the products being sold and training on our marketing approach would be provided. We are producing somewhat unique crops that often require educating the customer about the physical properties and potential uses. In terms of production practices we strive to educate workers on why we are doing what we're doing instead of just dictating chores. Also, worker will be trained on food safety practices as part of our Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) food safety plan, and our temporary food service permit.

Describe what other occupation(s) you have

My primary occupation is a natural resource economist with Highland Economics.

Please attach any photos of your farm and operation