Listing Information

How did you hear about Farm Link?

Friend is a member

Land Area

1-5 acres

How many acres are available for agricultural production


Current Use

Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats), Vegetable

Current Practices


Land Tenure


Water Sources

Well, Irrigation system

Are water rights available to these sources?

Yes, the well has a water right. The irrigation is granted through the BIA.

Onsite Housing


Please describe the available housing:

Very well done, good sense built 2 bedroom 2 bath home. Tile floors with radiant in floor heat.


Barn or shed for produce, livestock, or equipment storage, Animal pens, Other fencing, Greenhouse or Hoophouse, Irrigation equipment, Electricity

Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer or rancher?


Please elaborate on your willingness to mentor or advise the entering farmer or rancher:

The property has been used to raise up to 20 to 25 head of Katahdin sheep. With proper rotational grazing. The fields are organic, no spray, with 3 types of clover, timothy and orchard grass. Owner is willing to help a new farmer to learn how to get the best use out of this property.

Are you currently living on the farm or ranch?


In your judgment, which crops/agricultural purposes are best suited to your land and which would you support on your land?

Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats)

Please summarize your long-term goals regarding your land:

The owner would love to see a buyer who would continue to steward the land with the mindset of keeping it weed free and organic. The property is highly productive due to the care the owner has put into the land.

What kind of additional training/information would help you with the transfer process? Please check all that apply and feel free to elaborate below.

Specializations (organic, sustainable)