Listing Information

Land Area

101-500 acres

Current Use

Hay & Forage, Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats)

Current Practices


Please elaborate on current farming/ranching practices

Alfalfa hay

Water Sources

Irrigation system, Other

Please elaborate on the water source(s):

Water pump for pipes or wheel line

Are water rights available to these sources?


What are the soil types on your property?

Sand gravel


Barn or shed for produce, livestock, or equipment storage, Other

Please further describe the structures or equipment that are available

Hay Shed

Land Tenure


Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer or rancher?


In your judgment, which crops/agricultural purposes are best suited to your land and which would you support on your land?

Hay & Forage, Grain, Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry)

Please summarize your long-term goals regarding your land:

Would allow conventional, sustainable, or organic practices. I would like to see quality hay or grain
No top soil to leave ranch -no grazing-
farm the piece- conservation easement