Listing Information
Counties of interest
Flathead, Lake, Lincoln, Mineral, Missoula, SandersPlanned Operation
Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats), Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry), Dairy, Vegetable, Fruit/OrchardCheck all experience and education that apply to you and your farming partners
Informal apprenticeship, General college degree, General farming (less than 3 years), Other experience/license/agriculture or business trainingLand Tenure
Buy/Sell, Open to other arrangementsBriefly describe your current occupation(s) and responsibilities and list previous agricultural employment and experiences. If you are currently farming or ranching, please state the size, type(s), and location of the operation.
1-5, 6-10, 11-40, 41-100, 101-500, 500+Farming Practices
Organic, OtherPlease elaborate on the type(s) of agricultural operation you plan on running.
Small scale mixed usage, could depend on many factors. We are most excited about herbal medicinals, orchards, and fiber animals.Elaborate on the farming practices you plan on using.
We hold strong values of respecting and stewarding land, looking towards soil health and natural diversity. Regenerative methods that increase the fertility of the land overtime are our ideal. Strongly prefer non high input, non-chemical solutions, and less emphasis on heavy machinery.Please elaborate on the kind of additional training/information that would help you:
We would be excited about editional education around production, specializations and business management.Other experience/license/agriculture or business training:
other: permaculture design certification and experience