Listing Information

Counties of interest


Planned Operation


Check all experience and education that apply to you and your farming partners

Farm/Crop management (over 3 years), Informal apprenticeship, General college degree, Other experience/license/agriculture or business training

Other experience/license/agriculture or business training:

Permaculture design and small business owner, general manager of a restaurant

Land Tenure

Buy/Sell, Partnership, Open to other arrangements

Briefly describe your current occupation(s) and responsibilities and list previous agricultural employment and experiences. If you are currently farming or ranching, please state the size, type(s), and location of the operation.

We are currently working for a local nonprofit, selling art, and managing a restaurant. Previously, we worked and helped to manage a local market garden farm with a substantial orchard and perennial area.


1-5, 6-10, 11-40

Farming Practices

Organic, Other

Please elaborate on the type(s) of agricultural operation you plan on running.

We would like to focus on berries and fruit trees, with complementary planting like asparagus and garlic. We would also like to be able to offer pruning orcharding classes and grow some bare root stock for local sale.

Elaborate on the farming practices you plan on using.

We intend to use permaculture principles and a lot of physical labor to do the initial planning, preparing, and planting. We will use organic and regenerative methods whenever possible.

If you are interested in another type of business arrangement, please explain

We are interested in finding land that can be used for farming and for education in the Flathead.

Onsite Housing


Please elaborate on the kind of additional training/information that would help you:

I am always interested in learning more about how to make small businesses work. We are just starting out.

Please attach any photos that support your application.