If you are looking for land to farm or ranch, Land Link is designed to assist you in finding the farm or ranch that might be a good fit for your agricultural goals and individual situation.  

Free of Charge!    

Photo by Chad Harder

What Type of Land Seeker are you?

  • Beginning farmer or rancher looking to start an agricultural business by leasing or purchasing land  

  • Well-seasoned producer looking to re-locate or expand an existing commercial operation  

  • Aspiring farmer or rancher looking to partner with and/or be mentored by another producer — perhaps a retiring farmer or


IN Order to qualify as a land seeker, you need to: 

  • Have at least two years of experience working on a farm or ranch or gaining equivalent education through a college degree  

  • Must be looking for land to support  commercial agriculture  

If you have dreams of farming but currently lack experience or education, we encourage you to find a job on an operation where you can pick up the necessary skills to be successful.   


  • Where Do I Start Worksheet– Fill out a short worksheet focusing on big picture thinking and goals 

  • Review the information on this page to build your understanding of the program and to ensure your listing includes all of the important information  

  • Browseresources for tools to structure your business and finances  

  • Create an account and fill out a  Land Seeker Application    

  • Search for farm properties in the Database  

  • Once you have found a piece of land –  Secure the Land 





To Create a listing in the Land Link Database:   

  1. Read through the  Info for Landowners  page to learn about what we’re asking for from them  

  2. Create a Farm Link Account and fill out theLand Seeker application   

  3. Read through the FAQ section on the Land Lank Page 

  4. Complete the application as thoroughly and thoughtfully as you can . It may take us 3-5 business days to review your application to ensure that you have 2 years of experience and are planning on using the land you find on the site to start a commercial agricultural enterprise  

  5. If your application is approved, you will have access to the landowner’s contact information within 5 business days.  

  6. From this point on in the process it is up to you! You can look for properties as often as you like  

  7. You can  update your listing at any time and are expected to at least annually to verify that you are indeed still looking for land . This will ensure that the listings on our site are fresh, current, and accurate . 

  8. Once you’ve made a match in the program through a lease or purchase of property, please contact  Mary   to let us know so we can remove your listing and celebrate your success!





What’s the key to a successful land match? Your story! Landowners turn to Land Link over other real estate services because they care about the land, and they want to make a connection with someone who will be a good steward. Land seekers turn to Land Link for the same reason:  to make a meaningful connection.  


As a Land Seeker, use your profile to:   

  • Describe your farming goals   

  • List your values  

  • Details your farming experience or qualifications  

  • Upload photos of yourself, your family, or something that supports your farm experience and adds a personal touch   

  • Describe your desired farm characteristics   

Photo by Cole Moell


CFAC does not vet or endorse Land Link participants. It is the responsibility of the land seeker and landowner to safeguard themselves by clearly defining and clarifying expectations, checking references, and asking questions. CFAC is not a party to any land agreement and the terms of any agreements should be considered private agreements between the land seeker and landowner only.