Listing Information

Counties of interest

Flathead, Glacier, Lake, Lincoln, Sanders

Planned Operation

Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard

Check all experience and education that apply to you and your farming partners

Agriculture-related college degree, Farm/Crop management (3 years or less), Farm/Crop management (over 3 years)

Land Tenure

Buy/Sell, Lease, Partnership, Open to other arrangements

Briefly describe your current occupation(s) and responsibilities and list previous agricultural employment and experiences. If you are currently farming or ranching, please state the size, type(s), and location of the operation.

Kristen has a degree in Natural Resource Management with a minor in Plant and Soil Science and is pursuing a masters degree in Plant and Soil Science. Kristen and her fiancé, Jeremy, manage Eliot Coleman’s Four Season Farm in Maine, a year-round 5 acre vegetable farm using moveable unheated tunnels. Their responsibilities include every aspect from seed to sale, including crop planning, green manure management, tractor operation, crew management, etc. Previously, they have worked in various capacities at 2 different farms, including a gourmet mushroom farm and organic vegetable farm and food hub for a combined total of 5 years. They are looking to move closer to family in Columbia Falls.


6-10, 11-40, 41-100

Farming Practices


Please elaborate on the type(s) of agricultural operation you plan on running.

This depends largely on the site selected, however an organically managed diversified vegetable farm with perennials using season extension strategies. Potential for some small animals to be incorporated.