Listing Information

Type of farm or business

Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats), Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry), Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard, Other

Please elaborate on the type of farm you have

On-Farm Education

If farming/ranching, select your primary market channels:

Community Supported Agriculture, Farm Stand, Farmers’ Market, Restaurant, Wholesale, Education

Type of Network

Being paired with a beginning farmer who I keep in touch with on a monthly basis, Farm visit exchange, i.e. beginning farmers visit my farm and I visit theirs to give advice and share ideas, Email consultations, Phone consultations, Event hosting, i.e. hosting groups of beginning farmers for events or learning opportunities, Other options to be determined by mentor and mentee

Please describe the situations in which you would charge a fee and your expected rate (e.g. hourly, seasonal, annual rates, fees for long-term mentorship, fees for in-person meetings, etc.).

First consultation free, $50 donation to CFAC for continuing consultations.


Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats), Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry), Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard, Greenhouse production, Season extension, Crop rotation/planning, Seed saving, Cover crops, Irrigation, Organics, Harvest and handling, GAP certification, Machinery and equipment, Farm safety, Time management, On-farm efficiency, Recordkeeping, Employee/intern management, Business structures, Direct marketing, Wholesale Markets, CSA management, Value-added products, Meat slaughter/processing, Agritourism, Scaling up, Buying land, Alternative land access scenarios, Site assessment, Land rehabilitation/Soil-building, Other

Focus of Mentorship

Setting up on-farm education plans and beginning community outreach. Starting a CSA and working with other farmers on collaborative marketing and distribution. Personal sustainability and ways to balance farm life and personal life.

How many years have you been farming, if applicable?

Started in 1999.

Are there times that are better for you to provide mentorship?

Evenings or Sundays are the best. If I have something scheduled then I make time for it, so contact me any time to schedule a consultation.

Free Mentoring
