Listing Information

Type of farm or business


If farming/ranching, select your primary market channels:

Community Supported Agriculture, Farmers’ Market, Wholesale

Type of Network

Beginning farmers starting a business on my land, Being paired with a beginning farmer who I keep in touch with on a monthly basis, Farm visit exchange, i.e. beginning farmers visit my farm and I visit theirs to give advice and share ideas, Farm site evaluation, helping a beginning farmer assess a potential farm site, Email consultations, Phone consultations, Event hosting, i.e. hosting groups of beginning farmers for events or learning opportunities, Other options to be determined by mentor and mentee


Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry), Vegetable, Greenhouse production, Season extension, Crop rotation/planning, Composting, Cover crops, Irrigation, Organics, Harvest and handling, Machinery and equipment, Farm safety, Business planning, Financial management, Farm accounting, On-farm efficiency, Employee/intern management, Business structures, Legal issues, Marketing, Direct marketing, CSA management, Scaling up, Leasing land, Site assessment, Land rehabilitation/Soil-building

Focus of Mentorship

I grew up around farm equipment and farming, and have owned/operated two different farms of my own. I also have a degree and worked as a Certified Public Accountant and am on the producer advisory committee for Farm Commons (legal issues for small farmers). So, I think I have a broad base of knowledge that I can share with a beginning farmer, ranging from site selection to accounting and business advice. I definitely do best with farmers who are trying to form a viable and sustainable business, rather than homestead-type arrangements. I especially have a soft spot for tractors, implements, and scaling of farm size and equipment.

How many years have you been farming, if applicable?

Grew up on a 2-acre vegetable farm, and just completed 10th season at Two Bear Farm. Both farms were started from scratch on bare land, and grown/coerced into successful businesses.

Are there times that are better for you to provide mentorship?

Winter is a great time for planning or lengthier discussions, and early or late season for site visits. May through September is our main season, and it is super busy, but mentorship is still feasible, it just won't be in the middle of the day. Evening or weekend phone calls or email exchanges would be more likely during the main season.