2019 BFR Trainer Network Annual Meeting
March 20th & 21st
Chico Hot Springs
Register by February 20TH
To guarantee space
New name, same great opportunity for professional development. Join CFAC for our 2019 BFR Trainer Network Annual Meeting, designed for representatives of Extension, Small Business and Food & Ag Development Centers, NRCS, FSA, non-profit and other farm service providers. The workshop will offer new insights into how to support beginning farmers and ranchers and will continue to build a network of experts across the state who can better support this growing economy.
This year’s program will highlight new program and partnership opportunities and will also showcase a new multi-part curriculum for teaching and delivering land access trainings.
Keynote Speaker
Dan Waldvogle is the Membership Coordinator for the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union and operates Forestbird Farm in Lakewood, CO. Dan has a diverse background in agriculture including livestock, hay, meat processing, and specialty crop production. Before joining the Farmers Union, Dan acted as the Director of Colorado Land Link where he facilitated partnership development between farmers, ranchers and landowners across the spectrum of work experience and education with the hope of maintaining the stewardship of our working lands and livelihoods. At his keynote on Thursday, Dan will focus on “scaling out” – how to develop niche enterprises on existing ranches and farms.
Focus on Direct Farmers & Ranchers
Because we know MSU has great resources for commodity producers, this curriculum and training is focused on producers selling through direct to consumer or intermediate markets. This could include farmers and ranchers selling through typical direct markets like farmers’ markets, Community Supported Agriculture, or to restaurants, as well as producers selling through wholesale venues that allow them to participate in price setting or adding value. This could include producers of vegetables, fruits, dairy, meat, fiber, grain, flowers, and other products.
The group of farmers that we’re seeing have an interest in this curriculum includes young start-ups with limited experience, generations returning to the farm who want to add a new market opportunity to the business, and established producers looking to expand or diversify into a new area.
As the commodity world becomes ever more competitive and margins get narrower, and as local markets demonstrate a greater interest in buying locally-grown food, we see interest in this area of agriculture growing exponentially greater.
Why Should You Attend?
- Learn about other resources like Extension, SBDC, FADCs, and CFAC
- Gain valuable networks to use for future work with beginning farmers
- Gain new skills to provide better guidance to new agriculture and farming clients
- Understand financial and marketing opportunities and challenges specific to diversified, small scale and niche farmers and ranchers
- Learn more about this new sector of the economy and agriculture so you can better understand client needs
The event will run at Chico Hot Springs from Noon on March 20th through 3:30PM on March 21st. A full agenda will be available in late February. Make sure to pack your bathing suit!
Thanks to funding from the USDA Beginning Farmers and Rancher program, we can offer free lodging, meals, mileage, and registration to a limited number of attendees. Lodging availability at Chico Hot Springs includes rooms with a shared bath – rooms with a private bath are available on a first-come, first-served basis for an additional $30.
Because space & funding are both limited, registration is on a first-come, first served basis. We will be evaluating our costs as people register and will continue to accept registrations as long as the funding pool is available, until February 20th.