Listing Information

Number of Workers Sought


Type of Farm

Hay & Forage, Grain, Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats), Other

Marketing Strategy

Commodity, Other

Marketing Strategy (Other)

We have direct relationships with organic food companies and processors.



Pay Rate

$600/month stipend plus full room and partial board.



Describe yourself, your family, background, farming experience, philosophy, goals and interests

Vilicus Farms is a nationally recognized first generation, organic, dryland crop farm in Northern Hill County, Montana. Owned and operated by Doug Crabtree and Anna Jones-Crabtree, Vilicus Farms grows a diverse array of organic heirloom and specialty grain, pulse, oilseed and broadleaf crops. As champions of organic agriculture, Anna and Doug are committed to modeling agricultural land stewardship at a scale that matters, and to developing a community of like-minded farmers who share their vision. Anna and Doug launched a beginning organic farmer apprenticeship program in 2013 to support the establishment of new farmers in the Northern Great Plains. Since 2009, Vilicus Farms has grown from a 1,280-acre organic farm to a 9,600-acre organic farming operation that is cultivating a conservation-based ethic for sustainable food production and stewarding beginning farmers in Montana’s Northern Great Plains. With the help of Farm Operations Foreman Paul Neubauer, Vilicus Farms aims to provide educational opportunities through the farm in the form of Internships and long-term Apprenticeships. Our vision being the establishment and growth of young farmers in our area.

Describe the physical setting of your farm and the nature of the community in which you live

We will be farming and stewarding a total ~9600acres in the 2022 season, we also steward about 2000 acres of prairie and pollinator habitat as part of our commitment to soil and habitat conservation. The farm is divided into four distinct "units" spread over the breadth of northern Hill County. The area is remote and sparsely populated, land use is overwhelmingly wheat farming and cattle ranching.

Describe your farm operation

Vilicus Farms is certified organic. We raise a diverse array of food crops and cover crops in a 5-7 year crop rotation. The farm fields are broken out into cropped strips divided by un-tilled buffer strips, many of which are seeded to native pollinator habitat. The crop rotation and strip-farming system allows us to manage for weeds, reduce wind erosion, build soil-health, and provide wild-life habitat throughout the farm. We also custom graze cattle on cover crops.

Describe the work to be performed by applicant

There are two distinct internship positions available, they are as follows:

General Farm Team Intern:
The intern will be given broad exposure to many aspects of our farm through their work: tractor operation first and foremost, some trucking as skill allows, organic weed management, facilities management and upkeep, vehicle and equipment maintenance and upkeep.

Agronomy and Plant Science Intern:
Intern will be focused on soil sampling, crop scouting and the record-keeping therein. Relevant practical application for academic study of soils and or agronomy/plant science.

It is important to stress that both internship position will be required to step in and help execute the duties of the farm as need demands. There is no difference in pay for the different internships, the difference in work focus should reflect the interests of the applicants.

What do you expect of a worker?

Interns will be expected to work 6 days a week, with the day off being scheduled at the beginning of the internship. Days off are flexible and can be banked up in order to take multiple days off at a stretch as work conditions allow. Depending on the season Interns can expect to work 40-60 hours a week in middle of the summer, 60-80 hours a week in the height of planting or harvest season. Some of the work can be physically demanding. Intern should be capable of spending many hours outside at a stretch, capable of lifting fifty pounds, and have a valid drivers license.

Describe the learning and educational opportunities available to a worker

Internships will provide learning and educational opportunity through an experiential framework. Interns will work alongside full-time staff of the farm and in close cooperation with the Farm Operations Foreman. Interns will establish some goals at the beginning of the internship which they will develop a plan to achieve in cooperation with the Foreman. The library of the farm will be freely available to interns. The Agronomy and Plant Science intern will have specific and focused opportunities to develop the skills within those areas in cooperation with Doug and Anna, the owner-operators.

Are you a full-time farmer?


Explain the room and board arrangements or describe options in your area

Interns would live with Farm Operations Foreman at an on-farm house. Interns would share duties for maintaining cleanliness of the living space with Foreman and some meals and meal preparation. There is no smoking/drinking during work time. No drug use at any time. Having a drink or two after work is perfectly welcome for those of age. There is no smoking or tobacco use inside of farm buildings or equipment. There will be access to fresh organic produce ordered in bulk by the entire farm team which the intern can take part in as part of their board compensation.

Please attach any photos of your farm and operation

What are the dates of your position?

Start date = early March to June. End date varies depending on Intern appointment. Some appointments may lead to long term employment. Position can be from 4-6 weeks with one day off a week for the length of internship.

Are you open to shorter periods of employment or do you prefer that workers stay the full season?

Shorter periods of employment possible, Prefer full season

Please share three things you think people should know about living with you.

Interns will be expected to work in cooperation with full-time staff and apprentices during the length of their engagement with the farm. This means if farm work is running dawn to dark, or later, interns will be expected to participate and be in support of general operations. Interns engaged with the farm in the planting or harvesting season (spring or fall) can expect this to be the norm. Those engaged with the farm in the summer months can expect shorter days generally, with some longer days. Our area of Montana is very rural and sparsely populated, we are 45 minutes from the town of Havre, MT. This being the case the farm team is very close and will provide the majority of social interaction and distractions, so to speak. We at Vilicus Farms are committed to building and maintaining an educational, fun, fulfilling, and sustaining community and farm culture.

Type of Farm (Other)

Diverse organic crop operation with a 5-7 year rotation of small grains, legumes, oilseeds/broadleaves

Currently Hiring

No, not at this time. Please check back next season!

Do you have a website, social media account, or job posting anywhere else?


Online Listing URL