Listing Information

Counties of interest

Beaverhead, Flathead, Glacier, Granite, Jefferson, Lake, Lewis & Clark, Missoula, Powell, Ravalli, Sanders

Planned Operation

Hay & Forage, Grain, Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats), Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry), Dairy, Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard, Other

Check all experience and education that apply to you and your farming partners

Farm/Crop management (over 3 years), Informal apprenticeship, General farming (over 3 years), Other experience/license/agriculture or business training

Land Tenure

Buy/Sell, Partnership, Open to other arrangements

Briefly describe your current occupation(s) and responsibilities and list previous agricultural employment and experiences. If you are currently farming or ranching, please state the size, type(s), and location of the operation.

My small family of 4 currently lives on a small homestead in South Dakota. We grew up here, on a ranch and farm, and have been married 8 years. During those, we travelled, worked on various farms across the US, and had our own. We have raised a market garden and Bridget was certified as a Master Gardener. Robert has grown and sold gourmet edible and medicinal mushrooms. We have also raised small livestock, maintained a dairy sheep flock, and planted many fruits. We are looking to relocate to MT in the coming years and would love to find community to build and network with, for our farm, our kids, and the community itself. Our kids are both under 3 and spend their time playing or involved with anything we do. Robert currently drives truck for various companies and has a tanker endorsement. He also built our house in 2021-22, with my design (and a little of my help). We have downsized our farm and have just one doe, one ewe, and a few chickens.


1-5, 6-10, 11-40, 41-100

Farming Practices

Organic, Other

Please elaborate on the type(s) of agricultural operation you plan on running.

Seasonal dairy, fruit and orchard, silvoculture, mushrooms, market veggies, farm to table food service
Beginning with one or two ventures as the local market can support and diversifying when possible

Elaborate on the farming practices you plan on using.

Rotational grazing, low grain input, no or low till veg, leaving room for and revitalizing nature, using modern tools as well as primitive and traditional ones. Using horses as the horsepower when able. Value addition through food service and possibly preserves.

If you are interested in another type of business arrangement, please explain

Open to forming a community, or co-habited property, or open to other suggestions

Please elaborate on the kind of additional training/information that would help you:

Learning more about operating a farm as a business, learning about the local markets, guidance and mentor type advice if possible, and teaching us about your specialization if we share a common interest

Other experience/license/agriculture or business training:

WWOOF volunteers for 5 years, then hosts for 2 years. Also Bridget was certified as a Master Gardener. Robert has CDL with tanker endorsement.