Listing Information

Counties of interest

Anaconda-Deer Lodge, Flathead, Missoula, Ravalli

Planned Operation

Large Animal (cattle, sheep, goats), Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry), Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard, Other

Check all experience and education that apply to you and your farming partners

Farm/Crop management (over 3 years)

Land Tenure

Buy/Sell, Open to other arrangements

Briefly describe your current occupation(s) and responsibilities and list previous agricultural employment and experiences. If you are currently farming or ranching, please state the size, type(s), and location of the operation.

I work in Tech now but it's always been a dream to farm all my own food. I spent 4 years growing on a farm in Massachusetts. Furthermore my wife is from rural China where she grew up farming. She has a huge amount of knowledge that people in the west just don't have. I don't care if you've been farming for 30 years she knows more than you, and is more effecient at every single level of the operation.


1-5, 6-10, 11-40, 41-100, 101-500, 500+

Farming Practices

Conventional, Organic

Please elaborate on the type(s) of agricultural operation you plan on running.

I would like to have an orchard and then on the side a few cows and of course a big chicken pen.

If you are interested in another type of business arrangement, please explain

I would like to get a loan from the federal government and pay it back.

Please elaborate on the kind of additional training/information that would help you:

I'm looking to talk to someone who has navigated the federal governments agricultural loan program.