Listing Information

Type of farm or business

Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard, Farm Service Provider

If farming/ranching, select your primary market channels:

Community Supported Agriculture, Farm Stand, Farmers’ Market, Restaurant, Wholesale, Education

Type of Network

Being paired with a beginning farmer who I keep in touch with on a monthly basis, Email consultations, Phone consultations, Event hosting, i.e. hosting groups of beginning farmers for events or learning opportunities


Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry), Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard, Greenhouse production, Season extension, Crop rotation/planning, Seed saving, Composting, Cover crops, Irrigation, Harvest and handling, On-farm efficiency, Employee/intern management, CSA management, Agritourism, Land rehabilitation/Soil-building, Other

Focus of Mentorship

Farm as tool of community engagement, flowers, farm events, interns

How many years have you been farming, if applicable?


Are there times that are better for you to provide mentorship?

Wed, 9-1 is our volunteer day. Working with us is a good way to learn. While we would not charge financially for our mentorship, there is an expectation of labor exchange and much of the knowledge transfer would happen while working. We would work with beginning farmer to set up a schedule that would work for both of us.