Listing Information

Type of farm or business

Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry), Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard, Other

Please elaborate on the type of farm you have

Certified Organic Medicinal Herbs, Chicken Eggs, herbaceous honey, berries, and vegetables

If farming/ranching, select your primary market channels:

Community Supported Agriculture, Farm Stand, Farmers’ Market, Wholesale, Education, Other

Type of Network

Farm visit exchange, i.e. beginning farmers visit my farm and I visit theirs to give advice and share ideas, Event hosting, i.e. hosting groups of beginning farmers for events or learning opportunities, Other options to be determined by mentor and mentee

Please describe the situations in which you would charge a fee and your expected rate (e.g. hourly, seasonal, annual rates, fees for long-term mentorship, fees for in-person meetings, etc.).

Determined based on individual needs and goals
Open to work exchange for mentoring


Small Animal (pigs, rabbits, poultry), Vegetable, Fruit/Orchard, Greenhouse production, Season extension, Crop rotation/planning, Seed saving, Composting, Organics, Harvest and handling, GAP certification, Business planning, Farm accounting, Time management, On-farm efficiency, Employee/intern management, Value-added products, Agritourism

Focus of Mentorship

I have a great venue for learning and meetings.
Mentor on self growth needed for success, structure/habits/etc.
We focus primarily on the growth and harvest requirements for quality medicinal herbs.

How many years have you been farming, if applicable?

NW Montana 8 years
Northern New England: 40 years home gardening, including 11 years with sheep, pigs and cows

Are there times that are better for you to provide mentorship?


Please elaborate on your marketing strategy

We have an on-site Farm Store Apothecary. We are in the process of obtaining our wholesale out-of-state license to market to urban apothecaries and herbalists seeking hand-crafted artisan quality organic herbs.
We offer education programs that focus on farming practices, (soil health, growing herbs, etc.), processing herbs and making herbal products, and creating a healthy farm-based lifestyle.