(in alphabetical order)

Alternative Energy Resources Organization

AERO is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to solutions that promote resource conservation and local economic vitality. AERO nurtures individual and community self reliance through programs that support sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and environmental quality.

Community Food & Agriculture Coalition

The Community Food & Agriculture Coalition envisions a future where houses, farms, and ranches thrive together; people are well-fed and food secure; family farms are supported within a community food system; and beginning farmers and ranchers can access agricultural land to feed the rest of us. In support of that vision, we work on farmland conservation, beginning farmer and rancher support, and food access, along with other key issues as they arise.

Grow Montana

Grow Montana is a broad-based food policy coalition whose common purpose is to promote community economic development and education policies that support sustainable Montana-owned food production, processing, and distribution, and that improve all of our citizens’ access to healthy Montana foods.

Montana Cattlemens Association 

Montana Cattlemen actively participate with Montana cattle producers to protect our industry’s future, as well as address market interests, serve to support Montana’s environmental, cultural and historical heritage, and protect the interests of Montana cattle producers in international markets and trade issues.

Montana Farm Bureau Federation

MFBF is an independent, non-governmental, voluntary organization with its roots in agriculture. Farm Bureau provides an organization where members may secure the benefits of united efforts in a way that could never be accomplished through individual effort. MFBF is the state’s largest agriculture organization and advocate for Montana agriculture.

Montana Farmer’s Union

The Montana Farmers Union is a statewide grassroots organization working for family farmers, ranchers and rural communities through conferences, scholarships and other educational opportunities as well as legislative representation and support for producer-owned co-ops.

Montana Grain Growers’ Association

The Montana Grain Growers’ Association works on federal and state grain-related policy issues and provides educational and networking opportunities through their annual convention and other events. MGGA urges the development of markets for biotech crops with customer demand and acceptance and believes this should be a cooperative effort between consumers, producers, agribusiness and government.

Montana Organic Association

Since 2002, the Montana Organic Association has been the voice of Montana’s organic community. MOA is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization that provides education, information, support, assistance, promotion, and representation for organic producers, processors, handlers, retailers, consumers, researchers, agricultural service providers, and other interested parties. MOA believes that the organic movement is the one best hope for keeping small family farms viable while providing clean, nutritious, and safe food to the community; helping secure our food system by supporting farm diversity; and contributing to a healthier environment which helps protect our precious wildlife and natural resources.

Montana Stock Growers’ Association and Montana CattleWomen

The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is a non-profit membership organization that has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world. We work to achieve our mission by representing our members and the policy they set at the Montana Legislature and U.S. Congress, with governmental agencies, in the media, and by promoting the work of Montana’s family ranchers to the general public. Montana CattleWomen support the livestock industry and its environment through communication, education, and legislative activities.

Montana Sustainable Growers’ Union/HomeGrown

The Montana Sustainable Growers’ Union brings local growers and customers together to improve the sustainability of their farms and communities. The group is comprised of local farmers who live within a 75 mile radius of Missoula and market in the state.

Northern Plains Resource Council

Northern Plains Resource Council is a grassroots conservation and family agriculture group that organizes Montana citizens to protect our water quality, family farms and ranches, and unique quality of life. Our mission is to protect Montana’s greatest assets: the quality of our natural resources, the character and viability of family-based agriculture, and the ability of citizens to shape the public policies that affect our land, our water, and our lives so that we may pass them on, unimpaired, to future generations.

Nourish the Flathead/Farm Hands

Farm Hands is a community organization founded by farmers, eaters, business leaders & food system planners from around the Flathead Valley. Our interests include ecologically-sound, socially just, and economically viable ways of growing food and making it accessible to everyone.

Organic Farmers Association

Organic Farmers Association is an association of organic farmers whose purpose is to build and support a farmer-led movement of organic farmers. It works to develop policies that benefit organic farmers.

Red Lodge Area Food Partnership Council

The Red Lodge Food Partnership Council promotes a sustainable, local food system that encourages a better quality of life for our citizens, improves our community’s economy and self-reliance and preserves the land for generations to come.