Questions to Ask Before Entering Into a Direct Marketing Agreement
If you’re considering setting up a contract with a potential buyer, read through this document to learn about some things you might want to consider, including what to look for in a contract, recordkeeping suggestions, amending contracts, and more.
Farmers’ Guide to Organic Contracts
This comprehensive guide from the Farmers’ Legal Action Group covers contract ground rules, duration, termination, pricing, transportation, storage, National Organic Program regulations, dispute resolutions, and many other details you should consider when developing a contract. Even if you aren’t an organic producer, this resource is likely to have something of benefit to your operation.
Contracts, Notes, and Guaranties
There are a wide array of contracts that will be placed in front of you while you’re farming – lease agreements, loan filing documents, etc. This resource from the University of Minnesota offers an array of considerations you should think through whenever you have a document to sign.